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Blank page after running build on create-react-app

If you're encountering a blank page after running "build" on create-react-app, here are some potential solutions to try:

  1. Set "homepage" in package.json:
    Add the following line to the top level of your package.json file:
    "homepage": "."
  2. Use HashRouter instead of BrowserRouter:
    If you are using react-router and trying to open index.html directly in the browser, replace BrowserRouter with HashRouter.
  3. Ensure you're running the build files in a server environment:
    The built files should be run in a server environment to function properly.
  4. Double-check the published folder:
    Ensure that you are publishing the "build" folder instead of the "public" folder.
  5. Remove comments inside the "return" method:
    If you have any comments inside the "return" method, remove them as they can cause issues.
  6. Add "INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK=false" variable:
    Add the following variable to the build script to resolve issues with the inline runtime script not running:
    "build": "INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK=false react-scripts build",
  7. Update paths when deploying to GitHub Pages:
    If you're deploying to GitHub Pages, you may need to update paths in your code to match the deployment location.
  8. Ensure proper import of useContext:
    Incorrect import of useContext can lead to a blank screen. Verify that you are importing it correctly.
  9. Set "private" property to false in package.json:
    Change the value of the "private" property to false in package.json.
  10. Update paths when changing the homepage:
    When changing the homepage in package.json, you may need to update paths in your code to match the new homepage.
  11. Specify CSS path properly:
    Ensure that CSS paths are specified correctly in your components or index.js. Incorrect paths can result in a blank screen.

By following these solutions, you should be able to resolve the blank page issue and get your create-react-app project running smoothly.

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