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Get .exe from my nuget package in another project

In this technical blog post, we'll explore how to get the .exe file from a NuGet package into another project. This can be a useful technique when working with dependencies or integrating external components into your applications.

In .NET, NuGet is a popular package manager that simplifies the process of acquiring, installing, and updating libraries and tools. It offers a vast repository of open-source and third-party packages that can enhance the functionality of your projects.

To obtain the .exe file from a NuGet package, you can utilize the CopyToOutputDirectory property in your .csproj file. This property specifies how files should be handled during the build process.

  <None Update="content\RtecController.exe">

In this example, we have a file named RtecController.exe located in the content folder. By setting the CopyToOutputDirectory property to PreserveNewest, we ensure that the file will be copied to the output directory during the build process. This ensures that the .exe file is available to your project.

Remember to specify the correct relative path to the .exe file based on the location of your NuGet package and the project structure. After making these modifications, rebuild your project. The .exe file should now be copied to the output directory.

It's important to note that paths and configurations might differ slightly depending on your specific project setup and the NuGet package structure. You may need to adjust the paths accordingly to ensure successful copying of the .exe file.

With this technique, you can easily integrate external components or dependencies into your projects by accessing them from NuGet packages. This approach streamlines the development process and allows for modular and reusable code.

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