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How to fix duplication error of GoogleUtilities Swift?

Fix Duplication Error of GoogleUtilities Swift

Encountering duplication errors with GoogleUtilities in Swift can be frustrating, but resolving them is manageable by following these steps:

1. Examine the Podfile:

Open your Podfile and search for any instances of GoogleUtilities. Make sure you have only one entry for GoogleUtilities and that it specifies the correct version.

2. Update Subspecs:

Ensure that all necessary GoogleUtilities subspecs are explicitly requested in your Podfile. Refer to the Podfile.lock file to find the complete list of subspecs.

3. Review CocoaPods Issue:

For more in-depth information on this issue, refer to the CocoaPods issue.

4. Handle Multiple Firebase Dependencies:

If you have multiple targets with varying Firebase dependencies, you might encounter GoogleUtilities duplication. Address this by ensuring that all targets use the same set of GoogleUtilities subspecs.

5. Check iOS Deployment Target:

Verify that the iOS Deployment Target is consistent across all targets. Differences in this setting can lead to duplication errors.

6. Add GoogleUtilities to All Targets:

In cases where you have multiple targets, adding pod 'GoogleUtilities', '~> 7.7.0' to all targets using Firebase pods can resolve the issue.

7. Clean and Reinstall Pods:

Perform a clean installation of your pods by running pod deintegrate followed by pod install.

8. Update Pod Repository:

If the issue persists, consider updating your Pod repository by running pod repo update.

9. Restart Xcode:

After making changes to your Podfile, it's essential to restart Xcode to ensure it recognizes the updates.

10. Archive and Verify:

Once you've implemented these steps, attempt to archive your project again. If successful, you should see a single instance of GoogleUtilities in your project.

Remember, the specific solution that works for you might vary depending on your project setup. Carefully review the error messages and adjust your configuration accordingly.

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