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How to Get Byte Array Between Two Addresses

How to Get Byte Array Between Two Addresses

In this technical blog post, we will discuss how to obtain a byte array between two addresses using the "Memory" library. This library provides a convenient API for reading and writing memory in a variety of processes. We will delve into the source code to understand the implementation and provide a comprehensive guide for performing this operation.

Implementation Details

The "ReadBytes" method within the "Memory" library is responsible for reading a byte array from a specified address range. This method takes two arguments: the starting address and the length of the byte array to read.

long start = AoBScanResults.FirstOrDefault();
long end = AoBScanResults2.FirstOrDefault();

//NOTE: Please do some sanity checking to make sure start is less than end.
long length = end - start;

byte[] result = mem.ReadBytes(start.ToString("x"), length);

Initially, the "AoBScanResults" and "AoBScanResults2" variables are used to obtain the start and end addresses, respectively. Subsequently, a sanity check is performed to ensure that the start address is less than the end address. Next, the length of the byte array is computed by subtracting the start address from the end address.

Finally, the "ReadBytes" method is invoked with the start address converted to a hexadecimal string and the length of the byte array. This method reads the byte array from the specified address range and returns it as a result.

Additional Notes

  • Make certain that you perform appropriate sanity checks to guarantee that the start address is indeed less than the end address.
  • The start address is converted to a hexadecimal string using the "ToString("x")" method before being passed to the "ReadBytes" method.

We encourage you to explore the source code of the "Memory" library to gain a deeper understanding of its functionalities and usage.

If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please feel free to reach out to us. We are always here to help.

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