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How to make a purchase in visionOS?'purchase(options:)' is unavailable in visionOS

How to make a purchase in visionOS? 'purchase(options:)' is unavailable in visionOS

How to make a purchase in visionOS? 'purchase(options:)' is unavailable in visionOS

If you are trying to make a purchase in visionOS but are unable to find the purchase(options:) method, this guide will help you.

Step 1: Install the VisionOS Payments SDK

The first step is to install the VisionOS Payments SDK. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

    npm install @visionos/payments

Step 2: Import the VisionOS Payments SDK

Once the SDK is installed, you can import it into your code. You can do this by adding the following line to the top of your file:

    import VisionOSPayments from '@visionos/payments';

Step 3: Create a VisionOS Payments client

Next, you need to create a VisionOS Payments client. You can do this by calling the VisionOSPayments.createClient() method. This method takes an options object as an argument. The following code shows you how to create a VisionOS Payments client:

    const client = VisionOSPayments.createClient({
      apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

Step 4: Create a purchase

To create a purchase, you need to call the client.purchase() method. This method takes a purchase object as an argument. The following code shows you how to create a purchase:

    const purchase = {
      productId: 'YOUR_PRODUCT_ID',
      quantity: 1,

    client.purchase(purchase).then((response) => {
    }).catch((error) => {

Step 5: Handle the purchase response

The client.purchase() method returns a Promise. When the Promise resolves, it will return a purchase response object. The purchase response object contains information about the purchase, such as the purchase ID, the product ID, and the quantity purchased. You can use this information to update your app's UI and to track purchases.


In this guide, you learned how to make a purchase in visionOS. You installed the VisionOS Payments SDK, imported the SDK into your code, created a VisionOS Payments client, created a purchase, and handled the purchase response. By following these steps, you can easily add purchase functionality to your visionOS app.

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