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Cannot resolve symbol 'ViewModelProvider'

The error message "Cannot resolve symbol 'ViewModelProvider'" indicates that the ViewModelProvider class is not recognized by the compiler. This can be caused by several reasons:

  1. Missing Dependency: Ensure that the androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx dependency is added to your project's build.gradle file.
  2. Incorrect Import: Verify that you have imported the correct package for ViewModelProvider. It should be androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider.
  3. Outdated Dependency: Check if you are using an outdated version of the Android Jetpack libraries. Update to the latest stable version to resolve compatibility issues.

If you have confirmed the above conditions and the error persists, you can try the following solutions:

  • Clean and Rebuild: Go to Build > Clean Project and Build > Rebuild Project in Android Studio.
  • Invalidate Caches: Go to File > Invalidate Caches / Restart in Android Studio.
  • Restart Android Studio: Close and restart Android Studio.
  • Update SDK Components: Ensure that you have the latest Android SDK components installed. Go to Tools > SDK Manager and check for updates.

If the error persists despite trying the above solutions, refer to the following resource for additional troubleshooting:

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