repeating-linear-gradient(to top right, #CC44EE 0px, #7722AA 2%, #7722AA 7%, #CC44EE 9%, #CC44EE 14%) transparent;
You can modify the blur along the stripe's edge by changing the 2% to 3% or higher, while simultaneously decreasing the 7% to 6% or more to preserve the stripe size.
repeating-linear-gradient(to top right, #CC44EE 0px, #7722AA 3%, #7722AA 6%, #CC44EE 9%, #CC44EE 14%) transparent;
There is an alternative approach to tackle this bug, which involves modifying the background property of an element.
.placeholder {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, #7722AA 0px, #7722AA 6%, #CC44EE 6%, #CC44EE 13%) transparent;
border: 1px solid #000000;
float: left;
height: 110px;
width: 120px;
Upon implementing either of these methods, you may encounter instances where the gradient is still not rendering accurately. In such cases, it might be beneficial to test your code in different browsers to ensure compatibility.