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Could you please sort out this Excel filter formula?

Approach 1: Utilizing SORT() and TAKE() Functions

  • FILTER(): This function extracts data from the specified range (A2:P43) based on two conditions:
    • (B2:B43="Arizona"): Rows with "Arizona" in column B.
    • (A2:A43=2010): Rows with the year 2010 in column A.
  • SORT(): This function arranges the filtered data in ascending order based on the eighth column (column H, which contains the Wins data).
  • TAKE(): This function extracts the top three rows from the sorted data, effectively providing the top three teams with the most wins.

Approach 2: Leveraging Structured References (Tables)

  • This approach utilizes structured references, also known as tables, to simplify the formula.
  • The _master reference represents the table containing the data. In this case, it's assumed that the data is organized in a table format.
  • The formula follows the same logic as Approach 1, using FILTER(), SORT(), and TAKE() to extract the top three teams.

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