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Create custom data type in Python

In Python, you can create your custom data types using classes. A class is a blueprint for creating objects, and it defines the properties and methods of those objects. In the case of a custom data type, the class will define the structure and behavior of the data type.

To create a custom data type, you can use the class keyword. The following example shows how to create a custom data type called Point, representing a point in two-dimensional space:

```python class Point: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def __str__(self): return f"Point({self.x}, {self.y})" ```

The Point class has two attributes, x and y, to represent the x and y coordinates of the point. The __init__() method is the constructor method, which is called when a new object is created. The __str__() method defines how the object is represented as a string.

You can create a new Point object by calling the Point() constructor. For example, the following code creates a new Point object at position (4, 5):

```python p = Point(4, 5) ```

You can then access the x and y attributes of the p object to get the x and y coordinates of the point:

```python x = p.x y = p.y ```

You can also use the str() function to get a string representation of the p object:

```python print(str(p)) ```

This will print the following output:

``` Point(4, 5) ```

Custom data types can be useful for organizing and structuring data in a program. They can also be used to create abstract data types, which provide a way to represent data in a more abstract way.

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