To create a closed shape in AutoCAD VBA using the AddPolyline method with a vertex list from Excel, consider the following steps:
- Prepare the Vertex List from Excel:
- Open the Excel file containing the vertex list.
- Ensure that the vertex list is arranged in a way that matches the required sequence for the AddPolyline method. The first two columns should represent X and Y coordinates, respectively.
- Select the vertex list range in Excel and copy it to the clipboard.
- Activate AutoCAD and Open VBA Editor:
- Launch AutoCAD and navigate to the Visual Basic Editor (VBA Editor).
- Create a new module by clicking on "Insert" > "Module" or using the shortcut key "Alt+F11".
- Define VBA Procedure to Add Polyline:
- Within the newly created module, add a VBA procedure or function to handle the polyline creation.
- For example, you could define a subroutine called "CreateClosedPolylineFromExcel".
- Retrieve Vertex List from Excel:
- Inside the VBA procedure, use the VBA commands to retrieve the vertex list from the clipboard.
- You can use the "GetDataFromClipboard" method to retrieve the copied Excel range as a string.
- Parse the retrieved string to extract the individual vertex coordinates.
- Create an Array of Doubles:
- Create a zero-based array of doubles to store the vertex coordinates. The array should have a size that accommodates all the vertex points.
- Iterate through the parsed vertex coordinates and assign them to the array elements in the correct order (X1, Y1, X2, Y2, and so on).
- Invoke the AddLightWeightPolyline Method:
- Use the "AddLightWeightPolyline" method of the "Polyline" object to add the closed polyline to the current AutoCAD drawing.
- Specify the array of doubles containing the vertex coordinates as an argument to the method.
- Set the "Closed" property of the polyline object to "True" to ensure that the polyline is closed.
- Finalize the VBA Procedure:
- Complete the VBA procedure by adding any necessary error handling or additional functionality.
- Save the VBA module and close the VBA Editor.
- Execute the VBA Procedure:
- Return to the AutoCAD drawing area.
- Run the VBA procedure that you created to initiate the process of creating the closed polyline using the vertex list from Excel.