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Creating a Closed Shape in AutoCAD VBA Using AddPolyline with Vertex List from Excel

To create a closed shape in AutoCAD VBA using the AddPolyline method with a vertex list from Excel, consider the following steps:

  1. Prepare the Vertex List from Excel:
    • Open the Excel file containing the vertex list.
    • Ensure that the vertex list is arranged in a way that matches the required sequence for the AddPolyline method. The first two columns should represent X and Y coordinates, respectively.
    • Select the vertex list range in Excel and copy it to the clipboard.
  2. Activate AutoCAD and Open VBA Editor:
    • Launch AutoCAD and navigate to the Visual Basic Editor (VBA Editor).
    • Create a new module by clicking on "Insert" > "Module" or using the shortcut key "Alt+F11".
  3. Define VBA Procedure to Add Polyline:
    • Within the newly created module, add a VBA procedure or function to handle the polyline creation.
    • For example, you could define a subroutine called "CreateClosedPolylineFromExcel".
  4. Retrieve Vertex List from Excel:
    • Inside the VBA procedure, use the VBA commands to retrieve the vertex list from the clipboard.
    • You can use the "GetDataFromClipboard" method to retrieve the copied Excel range as a string.
    • Parse the retrieved string to extract the individual vertex coordinates.
  5. Create an Array of Doubles:
    • Create a zero-based array of doubles to store the vertex coordinates. The array should have a size that accommodates all the vertex points.
    • Iterate through the parsed vertex coordinates and assign them to the array elements in the correct order (X1, Y1, X2, Y2, and so on).
  6. Invoke the AddLightWeightPolyline Method:
    • Use the "AddLightWeightPolyline" method of the "Polyline" object to add the closed polyline to the current AutoCAD drawing.
    • Specify the array of doubles containing the vertex coordinates as an argument to the method.
    • Set the "Closed" property of the polyline object to "True" to ensure that the polyline is closed.
  7. Finalize the VBA Procedure:
    • Complete the VBA procedure by adding any necessary error handling or additional functionality.
    • Save the VBA module and close the VBA Editor.
  8. Execute the VBA Procedure:
    • Return to the AutoCAD drawing area.
    • Run the VBA procedure that you created to initiate the process of creating the closed polyline using the vertex list from Excel.
By following these steps, you can create closed shapes in AutoCAD VBA using the AddPolyline method with vertex coordinates imported from an Excel file. Remember to adjust the code according to your specific requirements and ensure that the vertex list is formatted correctly to match the expected input format for the AddPolyline method.

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