This error arises when a query produces an error, and you attempt to execute another query without rolling back the transaction. To resolve this issue:
- Identify where in your code the problematic query resides. Utilizing log_statement and log_min_error_statement options in your PostgreSQL server can be beneficial.
- If you're using Django, ensure your database is properly synced. Run the command "python syncdb" from within your app directory's terminal.
- Consider disabling the transaction via "set_isolation_level(0)".
- Handle the error gracefully by utilizing try-except blocks. Avoid using try/except/pass as it can mask the actual error.
- In PostgreSQL, utilize savepoints to handle transaction errors.
- If you encounter the error in an interactive shell, use "from django.db import connection; connection._rollback()".
- For Flask, use "curs = conn.cursor(); curs.execute("ROLLBACK"); conn.commit();".
- In Flask shell, "session.rollback()" can suffice.
- Rerun the connection in Python's psycopg2 package if it loses sync.
- Ensure proper query execution in PgAdmin4-4.24 by utilizing the rollback option.
- In PostgreSQL, simply run "rollback;".
- Handle transactions properly in Python's psycopg2 when working with AWS Redshift.
By implementing these solutions, you can effectively address the "DatabaseError: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block?" error and ensure smooth database operations.