Following this documentation I was able to get everything working successfully.
Do the following:
Remove all .NET packages
sudo apt remove dotnet* sudo apt remove aspnetcore*
Delete PMC repository from APT, using any of the typical methods, for instance by deleting the repo .list file
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list
Update APT
sudo apt update
Install .NET SDK 6.0
sudo apt install dotnet-sdk-6.0
I'm guessing something installed incorrectly from the first time I attempted the install leaving everything in that Mixed state scenario 1
I had the same issue and discovered in the dotnet --info
that the path to the dotnet executable was wrong; also the DOTNET_ROOT was wrong.
So there are two more useful commands:
dotnet --list-runtimes
dotnet --info
I found the answer on another question
In short, add a DOTNET_ROOT
variable to your environment. For me, I used the .NET scripted installer and added this to ~/.bashrc
export DOTNET_ROOT=~/.dotnet
I was on macOS and got this error while running dotnet ef add migration
The solution for me was install the given .NET Runtime in the error message itself, using the link provided.