To draw a regression line with interaction in ggplot2, you can use the ggpredict()
function from the ggeffects
library(tidyverse) library(ggeffects)
First, you need to generate an example dataset for reproducibility:
set.seed(42) example_data = data.frame(treatment = as.factor(c(rep("t1", 50), rep("t2", 50))), time = rep(1:50, 2), error = rnorm(100, 0, 1)) %>% mutate( slope = ifelse(treatment == "t1", -0.2, -0.3)) %>% mutate( measurement = 2.5 + time * slope + error)
Next, you need to fit a linear model to your data:
model = lm(measurement ~ time:treatment, data = example_data) summary(model)
Once you have fitted your model, you can generate predictions using ggpredict()
g <- ggpredict(model, terms=c("time", "treatment")) plot(g)
The plot()
function will produce a plot with superposed lines, showing the predicted values for each treatment group.
You can also add a facet to the plot to show the results for each treatment group separately:
plot(g) + facet_wrap(~treatment)
Here is a base R approach if you want to see what is going on under the hood with the prediction lines:
#### Get Prediction Data #### nd1 <- data.frame( time = seq( min(example_data$time), max(example_data$time), length.out=200 ), treatment = "t1" ) # for treatment group 1 nd2 <- data.frame( time = seq( min(example_data$time), max(example_data$time), length.out=200 ), treatment = "t2" ) # for treatment group 2
After creating both dataframes, one for the first group and the other for the second group, you can create predictions based off those values:
pd1 <- predict(model,newdata=nd1) pd2 <- predict(model,newdata=nd2)
Then you just have to plot the points based on group:
#### Plot Points #### plot(example_data$time, example_data$measurement, xlab="Time", ylab="Measurement", main="Interaction Plot", pch=23, bg=ifelse(example_data$treatment == "t1", "steelblue",'gray'))
And finally overlay the lines from the predictions:
#### Draw Lines #### lines(nd1$time,pd1,col="steelblue",lwd=2) lines(nd2$time,pd2,col="gray",lwd=2)