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Eclipse Java Error: Cannot find or load main class

Eclipse Java Error: Cannot find or load main class

If you're a Java developer, you may have encountered the "Cannot find or load main class" error in Eclipse while trying to run your program. This error typically occurs when Eclipse cannot locate the main class that contains the main() method, which is the entry point of your Java application.

Here's a step-by-step solution to resolve this error in Eclipse:

  1. Clean the Project:

    Click on the Project menu in the Eclipse toolbar and select Clean. This will remove any temporary files and rebuild your project.

  2. Enable Auto-Build:

    Make sure the Build Automatically option is enabled in Eclipse. This ensures that your project is automatically rebuilt when changes are made to the code.

  3. Run the Class:

    Right-click on the class file containing the main() method and select Run As > Java Application. This will launch your program in the Eclipse console.

If the above steps don't resolve the error, you might need to check the following:

  • Correctly Configured Classpath:

    Ensure that your classpath is properly configured in Eclipse. Incorrect classpath settings can lead to missing dependencies and class loading issues.

  • Make Sure Main Class is Public:

    The class containing the main() method should be declared as public. A non-public class will not be visible to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

  • Ensure Main Method Syntax:

    Verify that the main() method follows the correct syntax and has the proper signature, which is public static void main(String[] args).

  • Check for Syntax Errors:

    Carefully review your code for any syntax errors or typos, as these can cause compilation issues and prevent your program from running.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "Cannot find or load main class" error in Eclipse and successfully run your Java program.

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