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Eclipse Java Error: Cannot find or load main class

Facing the Error: Eclipse Java Error: Cannot find or load main class

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Clean and Build Automatically:
    1. Select the Project in the Eclipse workspace.
    2. Navigate to the Project section in the menu bar and click Clean.
    3. Activate Build Automatically option in the tool section.
  2. Run the Class:
    1. Right-click on the class you want to run.
    2. Select Run from the context menu.
  3. Configure Run Settings (Alternative Method):
    1. Open the Run menu and select Run Configurations....
    2. Select the Java Application entry on the left pane and ensure your class is listed under it.
    3. Verify that the Name field displays the correct class name (e.g., Main).
    4. In the Main Class field, ensure it says Main (or the correct class name).
    5. Apply the changes and click Run.

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