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Error: Expected content key de1e4a02ec63c4eb to exist getting this error in React. I am using parcel as a bundler

If you're encountering the error "Expected content key de1e4a02ec63c4eb to exist" while using React and Parcel as your bundler, the solution is to delete the ".parcel-cache" folder and re-run the build.

Here are the detailed steps: 1. Locate the ".parcel-cache" folder within your project directory. 2. Delete the ".parcel-cache" folder. 3. Run the build command again. This should resolve the issue and allow you to successfully build your React application. **Additional Tip:** To automate clearing the ".parcel-cache" folder, you can add the following line to your "package.json" file, which will execute before running the "start", "dev", or "build" commands:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "rm -rf .parcel-cache && parcel",
    "build": "rm -rf .parcel-cache && parcel build"

This will ensure that the ".parcel-cache" folder is always cleared before running the specified command.

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