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Function cannot be deleted as it is being provisioned

Function cannot be deleted as it is being provisioned

The error message "Function cannot be deleted as it is being provisioned" indicates that the function is still in the process of being created and cannot be deleted until it is fully provisioned.

Possible Causes

  • The function is still being created and has not yet finished starting up.
  • The function is being updated and the update has not yet been completed.
  • The function is experiencing an issue and is not able to start up properly.


  1. Wait for the function to finish starting up or updating.
  2. Check the function logs to see if there are any errors that need to be resolved.
  3. Restart the function to see if that resolves the issue.
  4. If the function is still not able to be deleted, you can try deleting it using the --force flag.

Using the --force flag

The --force flag can be used to delete a function even if it is in the process of being provisioned or updated. However, using the --force flag may result in data loss, so it is important to use it with caution. To delete a function using the --force flag, you can use the following command: ``` nuctl delete function <function-name> --force ``` Where <function-name> is the name of the function that you want to delete.

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