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getting filehandler is not a constructor when using new filehandler but does not work as static class

If you're attempting to utilize JavaScript's `new` keyword to generate an instance of a "FileHandler" class but receiving a "FileHandler is not a constructor" error, it's crucial to verify how you're importing the file handler module. To address this issue, consider the following:
  • You can import the module as a named export and access the static class using the "FileHandlerStatic" property, as illustrated below:
    import * as filehandler from "../index.js";

    const FileHandler = filehandler.FileHandlerStatic;
  • Alternatively, you can import the "FileHandlerStatic" property directly, as demonstrated here:
    import { FileHandlerStatic as FileHandler } from "../index.js";
The error arises because your module doesn't export a default export and instead relies on named exports. Using the aforementioned approaches ensures that you correctly import and utilize the "FileHandlerStatic" class.

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