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How can i pause and play gif which is set on webpage background

It is not possible to pause or play a GIF directly because it is not a video format. GIFs are a series of images displayed in a loop, and there is no built-in mechanism to control their playback. However, there are a few ways you can achieve a similar effect using JavaScript.

One option is to use a video instead of a GIF. Videos can be paused and played using the HTML5 video element, and you can style them to look like a GIF. Here's an example:

```html ```

You can then use JavaScript to pause and play the video as needed.

Another option is to use a series of images instead of a GIF. You can create a JavaScript function that will cycle through the images in order, creating the illusion of a GIF. Here's an example:

```html ```

This function will cycle through the images in the images array, updating the background image of the document body. You can then use JavaScript to pause and play the cycling of the images as needed.

Finally, you can use a third-party library that provides support for pausing and playing GIFs. There are a number of libraries available, such as GIF.js and gifplayer.js. These libraries provide a JavaScript API that you can use to control the playback of GIFs.

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