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How can i pause and play gif which is set on webpage background

Can GIFs be paused and played?

GIFs, unlike videos, are a series of images that play in a loop. As a result, you cannot pause or play them using standard video controls.


1. Using JavaScript:

Although you can't control GIFs directly, you can use JavaScript to create a video element, set the source to the GIF, and then control the video playback using the standard video controls. Here's an example:

<video id="video" src="path/to/gif"></video>
var video = document.getElementById("video");

// Pause the video

// Play the video;
2. Convert GIF to Video:

You can also convert the GIF to a video format like MP4 using a video conversion tool. Once converted, you can play and pause the video using standard video controls.

3. Use CSS Animation:

While you can't pause and play GIFs natively, you can create a similar effect using CSS animations. This involves creating a series of keyframes that define how the animation should progress over time. Here's an example:

.animation {
  animation-name: my-animation;
  animation-duration: 2s;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;

@keyframes my-animation {
  0% {
    background-image: url("path/to/frame1.png");
  25% {
    background-image: url("path/to/frame2.png");
  50% {
    background-image: url("path/to/frame3.png");
  75% {
    background-image: url("path/to/frame4.png");
  100% {
    background-image: url("path/to/frame5.png");

Using this method, you can create an animation that resembles a GIF, and you can control the playback using CSS or JavaScript.

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