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How can i pause and play gif which is set on webpage background

Q: How can I pause and play GIFs set as a webpage background?

A: Unfortunately, it is technically not possible to pause and play a GIF set as the webpage background using conventional methods due to limitations in HTML and CSS. GIFs, by nature, are animated by default and do not offer inherent controls for pausing or playing them.


There are several approaches to achieve similar functionality while maintaining the visual appearance of a GIF:

  1. Replace GIF with Video:
    Use a short video clip instead of the GIF. Videos offer built-in controls for pausing, playing, and seeking, allowing you to achieve the desired functionality.

  2. CSS Animation:
    Create a CSS animation that mimics the GIF's animation. This provides more fine-grained control over the animation, including the ability to pause and play it.
          @keyframes animation {
            0% {
              background-position: 0% 0%;
            100% {
              background-position: 100% 0%;
          .background {
            animation-name: animation;
            animation-duration: 5s;
            animation-iteration-count: infinite;

  3. SVG Animation:
    Create an SVG animation that replicates the GIF's animation. SVG animations offer similar control and flexibility to CSS animations.

Please note that the choice of approach depends on the specific requirements and limitations of your project. It's important to consider factors such as browser compatibility, performance, and the level of control you need over the animation.

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