Connecting xterm.js to a Real Working Command Prompt in Electron
Integrating xterm.js with Electron allows you to incorporate a fully functional command prompt within your Electron application. Follow these steps to establish the connection:
Prerequisites:- Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed.
- Install Electron and xterm.js.
npm install node-pty
npm install electron-rebuild
const os = require('os'); const pty = require('node-pty'); // Specify the shell to use (e.g., "powershell.exe" for Windows or "bash" for Linux/macOS) var shell = os.platform() === "win32" ? "powershell.exe" : "bash"; // Initialize a pseudo-terminal process var ptyProcess = pty.spawn(shell, [], { name: 'xterm-color', cols: 80, rows: 24, cwd: process.env.HOME, env: process.env }); // Send data from the pseudo-terminal process to the renderer process ptyProcess.on("data", (data) => { mainWindow.webContents.send("terminal-incData", data); }); // Handle input from the renderer process and send it to the pseudo-terminal process ipcMain.on("terminal-into", (event, data) => { ptyProcess.write(data); })3. Create the Renderer Process File (renderer.js):
const Terminal = require('xterm').Terminal; const FitAddon = require('xterm-addon-fit').FitAddon; // Initialize the terminal const term = new Terminal(); const fitAddon = new FitAddon(); term.loadAddon(fitAddon); // Open the terminal in a container element'terminal-container')); // Handle input from the terminal and send it to the main process term.onData(e => { ipcRenderer.send("terminal-into", e); } ); // Handle data from the main process and display it in the terminal ipcRenderer.on('terminal-incData', (event, data) => { term.write(data); }) // Adjust the terminal size to fit the container;4. Import and Use the Terminal: In your Electron application, import and use the terminal as needed. For example, you could add a button that, when clicked, opens the terminal in a new window. 5. Run the Electron Application: Run your Electron application using the following command:
electron .6. Handle Potential Errors: If you encounter the error "The module '/path/to/node-pty/build/Release/pty.node' was compiled against a different Node.js version using NODE_MODULE_VERSION 64. This version of Node.js requires NODE_MODULE_VERSION 80.", follow these steps:
- In the project directory, run the command:
. - If the error persists, rebuild Node.js using a compatible version of Node.js Build Tools.