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How to automatically create hyperlink for image in a folder based on a cell value

Solution 1: Automatically Create Hyperlink for Image in Folder Based on a Cell Value

  • Edit your formula like this to create the full filename as hyperlink, assuming your ID column just has an ID number without file extension:
```html =HYPERLINK(""D:\Desktop\Guards\Guards National IDs\"" & B5 & ".jpg", B5) ```
  • If you prefer a friendly name with truncating, apply this formula instead:
```html =HYPERLINK(""D:\Desktop\Guards\Guards National IDs\"" & B5,LEFT(B5,FIND(""."",B5)-1)) ```

Solution 2: Handle Different Image File Extensions

  • To account for varying image file extensions, define a custom function called imgPath() in a module:
```html Function imgPath(path, imgNum As String) Dim imgNameWithExtension As String imgNameWithExtension = Dir(path & imgNum & "*.*") 'Using multiple wildcards character (*) to get any extension. If imgNameWithExtension <> "" Then imgPath = path & imgNameWithExtension Else imgPath = CVErr(xlErrName) 'Dir() returns a zero-length string ("") if file wasn't found, in which case imgPath() returns an error. End If End Function ```
  • In your worksheet, use this formula to create hyperlinks:
```html =HYPERLINK(imgPath(""D:\Desktop\Guards\Guards National IDs\"", A2), A2) ```

This method will create hyperlinks to image files with any extension, displaying #errors for missing files.

Solution 3: Handle Hyperlink Creation and Removal with Worksheet Change Event

  • In the sheet module (e.g., Sheet1), add this code:
```html Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Const IMAGES_PATH As String = "D:\Desktop\Guards\Guards National IDs\" Const IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSION As String = ".jpg" Const FIRST_ID_CELL As String = "B5" Const HYPERLINK_COLUMN As String = "V" Const FRIENDLY_NAME As String = "Image" Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = Target.Worksheet Dim LastRow As Long With ws.UsedRange LastRow = .Row + .Rows.Count - 1 End With Dim rg As Range With ws.Range(FIRST_ID_CELL) If LastRow < .Row Then Exit Sub Set rg = .Resize(LastRow - .Row + 1) End With Dim irg As Range: Set irg = Intersect(rg, Target) If irg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Application.EnableEvents = False Dim icell As Range, hcell As Range For Each icell In irg.Cells Set hcell = icell.EntireRow.Columns(HYPERLINK_COLUMN) If Len(icell.Value) = 0 Then If Len(hcell.Value) > 0 Then hcell.Clear Else hcell.Hyperlinks.Add hcell, IMAGES_PATH & icell.Value _ & IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSION, , , FRIENDLY_NAME End If Next icell Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub ```
  • This code automatically adds or removes hyperlinks in column V based on changes in column B (ID).

Solution 4: Handle Hyperlink Creation for Dynamically Generated IDs

  • In the sheet module (e.g., Sheet1), replace the previous code with this improved version:
```html Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Const IMAGES_PATH As String = "D:\Desktop\Guards\Guards National IDs\" Const FIRST_NAME_CELL As String = "C5" Const ID_COLUMN As String = "B" Const HYPERLINK_COLUMN As String = "V" Const FRIENDLY_NAME As String = "Image" Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = Target.Worksheet Dim LastRow As Long With ws.UsedRange LastRow = .Row + .Rows.Count - 1 End With Dim rg As Range With ws.Range(FIRST_NAME_CELL) If LastRow < .Row Then Exit Sub Set rg = .Resize(LastRow - .Row + 1) End With Dim nrg As Range: Set nrg = Intersect(rg, Target) If nrg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Application.EnableEvents = False Dim ncell As Range, icell As Range, hcell As Range Dim iFilePath As String, iFileName As String For Each ncell In nrg.Cells Set icell = ncell.EntireRow.Columns(ID_COLUMN) Set hcell = ncell.EntireRow.Columns(HYPERLINK_COLUMN) If Len(icell.Value) = 0 Then If Len(hcell.Value) > 0 Then hcell.Clear Else iFileName = Dir(IMAGES_PATH & icell.Value & ".*") If Len(iFileName) > 0 Then iFilePath = IMAGES_PATH & iFileName hcell.Hyperlinks.Add hcell, iFilePath, , , FRIENDLY_NAME Else hcell.Clear End If End If Next ncell Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub ```
  • This updated code handles dynamic ID generation in column B and creates hyperlinks to corresponding image files, clearing hyperlinks for non-existent files.

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