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How to compile typescript using npm command?

TypeScript compilation is essential for converting TypeScript source code into JavaScript code that can be executed in a browser or Node.js environment. The npm command provides a convenient way to compile TypeScript code using the TypeScript compiler (tsc). Below are various approaches to achieve this: **Approach 1: Using the `tsc` Command with the `--watch` Argument** Configure TypeScript using the `tsconfig.json` file. Run `tsc --watch`, which will monitor for changes in TypeScript files, compile them, and produce output in the specified directory (e.g., `./dist`). Utilize `nodemon` to monitor changes in the output directory and automatically restart the server if necessary. **Approach 2: Using Scripts in `package.json`** Install the required modules: `typescript`, `nodemon`, `npm-run-all`, and `rimraf`. Define scripts in `package.json` to handle various tasks like cleaning, building, and watching. Run `npm start` to initiate the compilation and monitoring processes. **Approach 3: Configuring `tsconfig.json` and Using `tsc` with `nodemon`** Create a `tsconfig.json` file to specify compilation options and include/exclude paths. Use `tsc --watch` to continuously compile TypeScript changes. Employ `nodemon` to monitor the output directory and restart the server on changes. **Approach 4: Utilizing `tsc` with `nodemon` in a Single Script** Maintain TypeScript files in the `src` folder and compile them to the `./dist` folder using `tsc --watch`. Configure `nodemon` to monitor the `./dist` directory and restart the server when changes occur. Run `npm run dev` to start the compilation and monitoring processes. **Approach 5: Compiling TypeScript and Running the Compiled JavaScript** Compile TypeScript to JavaScript using `tsc filename.ts | node filename.js` (Windows) or `tsc filename.ts && node filename.js` (Mac). **Approach 6: Defining Scripts in `package.json` with TypeScript Configuration** Define scripts in `package.json` for building and starting the application. Create a `tsconfig.json` file to configure TypeScript compilation options. Run `npm run build` to compile TypeScript and `npm start` to run the compiled JavaScript. **Approach 7: Utilizing `nodemon` and `env-cmd`** Configure scripts in `package.json` for development, building, starting, and local environment setup. Run `npm run build` to compile TypeScript and `npm run local` to start the application in a local environment. While these approaches offer different ways to compile TypeScript using npm, they all leverage the power of the TypeScript compiler and provide efficient mechanisms for building and running TypeScript applications. Choose the approach that best suits your project's requirements and preferences.

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