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How to create an Blazor-Library including JavaScript interop

Creating a Blazor library with JavaScript interop is a straightforward process. Let's walk through the steps:

  1. Create a new Blazor library project. Choose the "Blazor Library" project template when creating a new project in Visual Studio or the .NET CLI.
  2. Add the necessary NuGet packages. To enable JavaScript interop, you need to add the Microsoft.JSInterop NuGet package to your project.
  3. Inject the IJSRuntime service. To interact with JavaScript from your Blazor components, you need to inject the IJSRuntime service. You can do this by adding the following line to your component class:
```html @inject Microsoft.JSInterop.IJSRuntime ```

Alternatively, you can import the Microsoft.JSInterop namespace in your _Imports.razor file:

```html @using Microsoft.JSInterop ```
  1. Call JavaScript functions. Once you have injected the IJSRuntime service, you can call JavaScript functions from your Blazor components. For example, the following code calls the alert function in the browser:
```html await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("alert", "Hello, world!"); ```

You can also pass parameters to JavaScript functions by using the InvokeAsync method. For more information on JavaScript interop in Blazor, refer to the Microsoft documentation:

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