You can use the `v-list-item` component to customize `item-title`:
<v-select label="User" :items="items" item-title="name">
<template v-slot:item="{ props, item }">
:title="`${item.title} - ${item.value}`"
export default {
data: () => ({
items: [
name: 'John',
department: 'Marketing',
name: 'Jane',
department: 'Engineering',
name: 'Joe',
department: 'Sales',
name: 'Janet',
department: 'Engineering',
name: 'Jake',
department: 'Marketing',
name: 'Jack',
department: 'Sales',
if you want to implement more than one line logic you can change it `:title='myCustomTitle()'` to a method
This is what i had to come up with.
I also had to add `vslot:selection` on top of @Mojtaba answer or it won't show what i have selected. Thanks for answering!
Just documenting here in case if someone is looking for answers similar to mine.
label="Select a permission to copy"
no-data-text="No permission to choose from"
<template v-slot:selection="{item, props}">
<v-list-item v-bind="props" style="padding: 0;" :title="convertToReadableText(item.value)"></v-list-item>
<template v-slot:item="{item, props}">
<v-list-item v-bind="props" :title="convertToReadableText(item.value)"></v-list-item>