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How to enable fibers for the early release of the jdk-16 loom?

Certainly, here's your requested blog post on how to enable fibers (now called virtual threads) for the early release of JDK 16 Loom:


In the realm of Java programming, Project Loom brings forth the concept of lightweight threads, or fibers, to enhance concurrency and scalability. These virtual threads, as they are now termed, open up new possibilities for optimizing applications and improving performance, especially in scenarios involving massive concurrency.

Enabling Virtual Threads in JDK 16 Loom:

To harness the power of virtual threads, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Install JDK 16 Loom Early Access Build:

Begin by installing the early access build of JDK 16 Loom. Navigate to the official OpenJDK website and download the appropriate build for your operating system.

Step 2: Set Environment Variables:

Set the JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables to point to the installed JDK 16 Loom directory. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to modify these variables.

Step 3: Enable Preview Features:

To enable preview features, including virtual threads, add the --enable-preview flag when executing Java commands. This flag allows access to experimental features that may change in future releases.

java --enable-preview ...

Step 4: Compile and Run Code Utilizing Virtual Threads:

Now, you can compile and run Java code that incorporates virtual threads. To create a virtual thread, utilize the Thread.startVirtualThread method, passing a java.lang.Runnable object as an argument.

Thread.startVirtualThread(() -> {
    // Code to be executed in the virtual thread

Additional Resources:


By enabling virtual threads in JDK 16 Loom, you can explore the realm of lightweight concurrency and unlock new levels of performance and scalability in your Java applications. Experiment with virtual threads in the early access build, delve into the resources provided, and watch for updates as Project Loom matures.

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