How to have line labels on both sides of a Y-axis?
In echarts, there seems to be no inbuilt support for this but the following methods can be used to achieve this:
- Example 1:
Use the regular endLabel for the end of the series and a markPoint with symbolSize 0 on top of the first datapoint as start label.
const dataset = [[150, 230, 224, 218, 135, 147, 260], [230, 160, 70, 135, 147, 140, 110], [135, 147, 260, 340, 290, 110, 90]]; const entity = ['Mangolia', 'Mitzerland','Torsica']; const seriesList = []; for (const index in dataset) { const row = dataset[index]; seriesList.push({ type: 'line', data: row, endLabel: { show: true, formatter: () => 'end label = ' + row[row.length - 1] }, markPoint: { symbolSize: 0, label: {position: 'left'}, data: [{coord: [0, row[0]], value: entity[index]}] } }); } option = { xAxis: { type: 'category', data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'] }, yAxis: { type: 'value' }, series: seriesList };
- Example 2:
You can use endLabel to show label at end and Markpoint with formatter to show series name and start value.
markPoint: { symbolSize: 0, label: { position: 'left', formatter: (params)=> `${params.value} = ${[1]}` }, data: [{coord: [0, row[0]], value: entity[index]}] } endLabel: { show: true, formatter: (params) => 'end label = ' + row[row.length - 1] }