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How to make a transition effect up the input on change

Creating Seamless Transition Effects on Input Change: An Introduction

Material design input, a concept introduced by Google, has revolutionized the way input fields interact with users. These inputs exhibit a subtle yet effective transition effect when their state changes, enhancing the overall user experience. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the art of creating these transition effects, guiding you through the implementation process.

Getting Acquainted with Material Design Inputs

Material design inputs are characterized by their distinct visual appearance and interactive properties. They feature a floating label that animates when the input field gains focus or contains a value, providing visual cues to the user. These inputs also incorporate a bottom line that subtly transforms, indicating the field's state (focused, unfocused, or invalid).

Implementing Transition Effects

Creating transition effects for material design inputs involves utilizing CSS properties to manipulate the appearance of the input field based on its current state. Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Define the Base Input Style:
    • Use CSS to define the fundamental styles for the input field, including font, size, border, and padding.
  2. Create the Placeholder Label:
    • Create a placeholder element within the input container and position it using CSS.
    • Define the font, size, and color of the placeholder label.
  3. Implement the Input Transformation:
    • Utilize CSS transitions to animate the placeholder label's position and size when the input field gains focus or contains a value.
    • Adjust the transition duration and timing function to achieve the desired effect.
  4. Handle the Bottom Line Animation:
    • Create a bottom line element using CSS and position it below the input field.
    • Animate the bottom line's width, thickness, and color based on the input field's state.

To further enhance the user experience, you can incorporate additional features such as error handling, input validation, and accessibility considerations.


Transition effects on input change add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your web forms. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can seamlessly integrate material design inputs into your projects, ensuring a delightful user experience. Experiment with different CSS properties and values to create unique transition effects that align with your brand's identity.

Remember to refer to the provided link for more detailed information and a comprehensive code example that you can adapt and customize to suit your specific needs.

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