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How to target the Nth element in a webcomponent shadowDOM with CSS ::part()

Targeting the Nth Element in a Web Component's Shadow DOM with CSS ::part()

CSS ::part() pseudo-element allows you to style specific named DOM elements within a shadow DOM. While it's commonly understood that ::part() can be used to target specific elements, it's crucial to understand its limitations.

According to the css-shadow-parts spec, ::part() cannot be extended with pseudo-classes or match elements based on tree information. This means that selectors using structural pseudo-classes like :nth-child(), :first-child(), or :last-child() are not supported.

The following examples demonstrate why ::part() with structural pseudo-classes is not allowed:

/* Invalid: Targeting the 3rd input using :nth-child() */
web-component::part(input:nth-child(3)) {
  background-color: red;

/* Invalid: Targeting the first input using :first-child() */
web-component::part(input:first-child) {
  background-color: blue;

/* Invalid: Targeting the last input using :last-child() */
web-component::part(input:last-child) {
  background-color: green;

These selectors are not valid because they rely on the structural relationship between elements in the shadow DOM, which is not accessible via ::part().

Fortunately, there's a workaround that leverages the fact that part names, similar to CSS classes, can be applied to multiple elements. This allows you to achieve the same effect as using structural pseudo-classes by assigning multiple part names to the desired elements.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to target the Nth element using multiple part names:

        class extends HTMLElement {
            constructor() {
                this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
                this.size = this.getAttribute('size');
                this.template = document.createElement("template");
                this.template.innerHTML = '<style>'
                +':host {white-space: nowrap}'
                +'input {text-align:center;width: 3ch;height: 3ch}'

            render() {

                for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
                    const input = document.createElement('input');
                    input.setAttribute('part','input input-'+(i+1));
                    input.type = "text";
web-component::part(input input-1)  {
  background: #ff00ff;

web-component::part(input) {
  border: 2px solid orange;
<web-component size="6" id="shadow-dom-host"></web-component>

In this example, each input element is assigned two part names: "input" and "input-N", where N is the 1-based index of the input. The CSS rules target the first input using ::part(input input-1) and style all inputs generally using ::part(input).

While this workaround allows you to achieve the desired styling, it's important to note that ::part() with structural pseudo-classes is not supported and may result in unexpected behavior in some cases.

Remember, the primary purpose of ::part() is to target specific named DOM elements within a shadow DOM, not for selecting elements based on their structural relationship.

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