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I am getting an error while trying to run autogen using a local LLM


The error you encountered is likely due to a recent change in the AutoGen library, which no longer includes the api_type configuration parameter.


To rectify this issue, you need to make the following adjustments to your code:

  1. Remove the api_type parameter altogether, as it is no longer required.

  2. In place of api_type, add the base_url parameter, which specifies the base URL of your local LLM API. The format should be base_url": "http://localhost:1234/v1", where localhost:1234 is the address of your LLM instance.

  3. Ensure that you provide a valid API key for your local LLM. In the "api_key" field, replace the placeholder value "sk-111111111111111" with your actual API key.


Here's an updated configuration example that includes the necessary changes:

    "base_url": "http://localhost:1234/v1",
    "api_key": "{{API_KEY}}",


Please refer to the official AutoGen migration guide for more detailed instructions and additional resources:

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