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I get a AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable' when I try to install libraries using PIP

**AttributeError: `collections.Iterable`? Here's the Fix.**

Encountering the error "`AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'`" while using PIP can be frustrating. Let's delve into the solution.

Understanding the Error

The root cause is the deprecation of `collections.Iterable`. To maintain compatibility, replace it with ``.


Depending on your situation, here are a few solutions:

  1. Replace `collections.Iterable` with ``
    import as collections
  2. Update the library code in the repository

    If the problem arises in library code, report the bug and suggest using `` instead.

  3. Explicitly assign `collections.Iterable`
    import collections
    collections.Iterable =


By understanding the deprecation of `collections.Iterable` and utilizing the solutions provided, you can resolve this error and continue using PIP without interruption.

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