Solution: Enable Spring Boot plugin in IntelliJ IDEA
To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the Spring Boot plugin is enabled in IntelliJ IDEA. Here's how you can do it:
- Open SettingsinFilemenu.
- Navigate to Settings > Plugins
- In the Installedtab, search forSpring Boot
- If the checkbox next to Spring Bootis not checked, check it to enable the plugin.
- Click OKto save the changes and restart IntelliJ IDEA.
After these steps, the
Spring Initializr
option should be available when creating a new project.Additional Information:
- If you're using Community Edition, you can still create Spring Boot applications by generating the project directory usinghttps://start.spring.ioand then import it into IntelliJ IDEA.
- If you're using Spring Assistantplugin inCommunity Edition, you can use it to create Spring Boot projects.
- In 2023.3.3version ofCommunity Edition,Spring Assistant build 212*or older is required. However, the correct version may not be available on the IntelliJ Marketplace.
Additional Resources:
- Spring Assistant plugin (Community Edition)
- Spring Initializr
- IntelliJ IDEA Editions Matrix