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Is it possible to debug a .NET Framework application that is deployed to IIS on my local machine?

Certainly, debugging a .NET Framework application deployed to IIS on your local machine is feasible. Let's explore the process:

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure you have the following installed:
    • Visual Studio with the ASP.NET development workload enabled.
    • Remote Debugging Tools for Visual Studio installed on the local machine.
    • IIS installed and configured on the local machine.

  2. Deploy the Application to IIS:
    • Publish your ASP.NET application to the local IIS server using Visual Studio's Publish feature or by manually copying the necessary files to the appropriate IIS folder.

  3. Configure Remote Debugging:
    • Enable remote debugging on the IIS server by modifying the application's web.config file.
    • Add the following line within the <system.web> section:
    <compilation debug="true" />
    • Optionally, you can specify the port to use for remote debugging by adding the following line within the <system.web> section:
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.7.2" />
    • Replace "4.7.2" with the target framework version of your application.

  4. Start Remote Debugging:
    • In Visual Studio, select "Debug" > "Attach to Process" or press "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "P".
    • In the "Attach to Process" dialog, select the "Remote Connection" radio button.
    • Enter the IP address or hostname of the local machine where the application is deployed.
    • Specify the port number you configured in the web.config file (if you didn't specify one, use the default port 4026).
    • Click "Attach" to connect to the remote process.

  5. Debugging the Application:
    • Once attached, you can set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through the code as you would with a locally running application.
    • When you make changes to the code, you can recompile and deploy the application without detaching from the debugging session.

By following these steps, you can effectively debug a .NET Framework application deployed to IIS on your local machine.

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