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'CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "node": library "" not found

If you're encountering the error message "CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "node": library "" not found" while using Termux, there are several potential solutions you can try:

  1. Update Termux Packages:
  2. Run the following commands to update Termux packages:

    pkg update
    pkg upgrade
  3. Install OpenSSL Tool:
  4. If updating packages doesn't resolve the issue, try installing the OpenSSL tool:

    pkg update openssl-tool
  5. Upgrade and Install OpenSSL:
  6. In case you're using the latest version of Termux, OpenSSL tool might not be installed. Run these commands:

    apt upgrade && apt update
    apt install openssl-tool
  7. Install from Fdroid:
  8. The Google Play version of Termux is deprecated. Consider installing Termux from Fdroid instead:
  9. Change Default Repo Mirror:
  10. Changing the default repo mirror may help resolve package-related issues:

  11. Upgrade and Install OpenSSL 1.1:
  12. If you're facing this issue while using git, try these commands:

    pkg upgr
    pkg i openssl-1.1
  13. General Upgrade:
  14. Sometimes, a general upgrade can solve the issue:

    apt upgrade

Try these solutions one by one until you find the one that works for you. It's worth noting that the specific solution may vary depending on your Termux installation and configuration.

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