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Perl - best practices in dealing with invalid data passed to a sub

**Best Practices for Data Handling in Perl Subroutines** **Error Handling Techniques:** * Return specific values (e.g., `undef`) to indicate errors. * Use `die`, `croak`, or `confess` to throw exceptions. * Create a custom error-handling class for structured error reporting. **Choosing the Right Method:** * Returning `undef` is suitable for indicating a failure without specifying the exact reason. * Throwing an exception is preferred for complex code where more structured error handling is required. **Informative Error Messages:** * Use descriptive error messages in `die` calls to provide context for the failure. * Throw error objects that contain detailed information about the error. **Checking for Errors:** * Use `die` to terminate execution immediately when an error occurs. * Consider using `try/catch` (experimental in Perl 5.34.0) or `Feature::Compat::Try` for more structured error handling. **Additional Considerations:** * Avoid using negative values as error indicators, as they may conflict with legitimate return values. * Choose the error handling technique that best suits the specific application and context.

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