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PL/pgSQL Control Structures non-SETOF issue

In PL/pgSQL, the RETURN NEXT statement is used to return a row from a function or procedure that is declared as returning a set of rows. However, if the function or procedure is not declared as returning a set of rows, using RETURN NEXT will result in an error.

In the context of the error message "cannot use RETURN NEXT in a non-SETOF function", it means that you are trying to use RETURN NEXT in a function or procedure that is not declared as returning a set of rows. To fix this error, you need to declare the function or procedure as returning a set of rows by using the SETOF keyword in the RETURNS clause.

For example, the following function is declared as returning a set of rows using the SETOF keyword: ``` CREATE FUNCTION get_products() RETURNS SETOF product AS $$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM products; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ``` Now, you can use the RETURN NEXT statement in this function to return rows from the products table. For example, the following code uses a FOR loop to iterate over the rows returned by the get_products() function and print each row's product name: ``` DO $$ DECLARE row product; BEGIN FOR row IN SELECT * FROM get_products() LOOP RAISE NOTICE '%', row.product_name; END LOOP; END; $$; ``` When you execute the above code, it will print the product names from the products table. Another way to fix the "cannot use RETURN NEXT in a non-SETOF function" error is to use the RETURN QUERY statement instead of RETURN NEXT. The RETURN QUERY statement can be used to return a set of rows from a function or procedure, even if the function or procedure is not declared as returning a set of rows. For example, the following function uses the RETURN QUERY statement to return a set of rows from the products table: ``` CREATE FUNCTION get_products() RETURNS TABLE (product_name text) AS $$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT product_name FROM products; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ``` Now, you can use the RETURN QUERY statement in this function to return rows from the products table. For example, the following code uses a FOR loop to iterate over the rows returned by the get_products() function and print each row's product name: ``` DO $$ DECLARE row product; BEGIN FOR row IN SELECT * FROM get_products() LOOP RAISE NOTICE '%', row.product_name; END LOOP; END; $$; ``` When you execute the above code, it will print the product names from the products table.

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