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powershell select-object expression with a function with parameters

Certainly! Here's the rephrased and reformatted answer to the question regarding the PowerShell Select-Object expression with a function with parameters:

In PowerShell, you can utilize the Select-Object cmdlet to extract specific properties from objects. When working with more complex scenarios, you might need to define a custom function to perform specific operations on the selected properties.

To pass multiple parameters to a function within the Expression property of the Select-Object cmdlet, follow these steps:

  1. Define a function with the required parameters. Ensure that the function's logic operates correctly with the passed values.
  2. In the Expression property, specify the function name followed by the parameter values. Enclose the parameter values in curly braces {} and separate them with a space.
  3. Execute the Select-Object cmdlet to extract the desired properties and apply the custom function to the selected values.

Here's an example modified as per the suggestions in the provided link:

function somefunkystuff($p1, $p2) {
    # Parameters $p1 and $p2 are now passed individually
    return $p1 + $p2

$a = [PSCustomObject]@{MyName="jef"; Number=1}
$b = [PSCustomObject]@{MyName="john"; Number=2}
$c = [PSCustomObject]@{MyName="jonas"; Number=3}

@($a, $b, $c) | Select-Object MyName, Number, @{Name="NameId"; Expression={ somefunkystuff $_.MyName $_.Number }}


MyName Number NameId
------ ------ ------
jef         1 jef1
john        2 john2
jonas       3 jonas3

In this example, the somefunkystuff function is defined with two parameters, $p1 and $p2. The Select-Object cmdlet is used to extract the MyName and Number properties from the $a, $b, and $c objects. Additionally, a custom property named NameId is created using the Expression property. This expression specifies the somefunkystuff function and passes the $_.MyName and $_.Number values as parameters to the function. The function concatenates these values and returns the result, which is displayed in the NameId column.

This revised example accurately passes the parameters to the function within the Expression property, resulting in the expected output.

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