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Reduce Git repository size

Reducing the size of your Git repository can be crucial for optimizing performance and managing storage space. Here are several effective methods to achieve this:

  1. Use git gc --aggressive --prune:
    git gc --aggressive --prune
    This command forcefully performs garbage collection and removes unnecessary objects, including unreachable blobs, trees, and commits, from the repository.
  2. Employ git maintenance: git maintenance
    git maintenance
    The git maintenance command is a newer alternative to git gc. It performs various maintenance tasks, including garbage collection, and can be scheduled for regular execution.
  3. Utilize git filter-repo: git filter-repo
    git filter-repo --path-glob [pattern] --invert-paths --force
    This tool allows you to selectively remove specific files or directories from the repository history, reducing its overall size.
  4. Remove large files with bfg: bfg
    bfg -b 100M
    git reflog expire --expire=now --all
    git gc --prune=now --aggressive
    bfg is a powerful tool specifically designed to remove large files from a Git repository.
  5. Manage Git submodules: If your repository contains submodules, consider removing unused ones or cleaning up their contents to reduce the overall repository size.

Remember to thoroughly test these methods on a copy of your repository before implementing them on the actual repository to avoid unintended consequences.

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