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Render React component as a custom marker icon in react-leaflet with working events/interaction

To address the issue with onClick event not working and have interactive React components as custom marker icons in react-leaflet, here's a step-by-step solution:

  1. Utilize L.divIcon: Create a placeholder div as the icon, which initially contains nothing. Assign a unique ID to this div for each marker.
  2. Leverage Marker's add Event: Use the Marker component's add event to detect when the icon has been rendered into the DOM.
  3. React Portal Integration: Once the icon is rendered, employ a React portal to render the actual React component within the placeholder div. Target the div using the unique ID.
  4. Handle Marker Removal: Additionally, detect when the marker is removed and subsequently remove the portal.

To simplify this process, we can encapsulate this behavior in an EnhancedMarker component:

import React, { useState, useId, useMemo } from "react";
import { createPortal } from "react-dom";
import { MapContainer, TileLayer, Marker } from "react-leaflet";

const EnhancedMarker = ({
  icon: providedIcon,
}) => {
  const [markerRendered, setMarkerRendered] = useState(false);
  const id = "marker-" + useId();

  const icon = useMemo(
    () =>
        html: `
`, }), [id] ); return ( <> { setMarkerRendered(true); if (eventHandlers?.add) eventHandlers.add(...args); }, remove: (...args) => { setMarkerRendered(false); if (eventHandlers?.remove) eventHandlers.remove(...args); }, }} icon={icon} /> {markerRendered && createPortal(providedIcon, document.getElementById(id))} ); }; const MarkerIconExample = () => { return ( <> ); }; const CENTER = [51.505, -0.091]; const ZOOM = 13; const App = () => { return ( } /> ); };

For your specific use case, you can:

  1. Copy and incorporate the EnhancedMarker component into your code.
  2. Replace instances of <Marker> with <EnhancedMarker>.
  3. Utilize <IconGen /> within the icon prop of <EnhancedMarker>.

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