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Requests depreciated warning on WordPress website

Requests Depreciated Warning on WordPress Website

If you're using the Requests library on your WordPress website, you may have encountered a deprecation warning. This warning indicates that the old class names (Requests_Utility_FilteredIterator) are being phased out in favor of new namespaced versions (WpOrg\Requests\Utility\FilteredIterator).

To resolve this issue, you can try the following:

  1. Upgrade to the latest version of WooCommerce. This may include an updated Requests library with the new PSR-4 classes.
  2. Manually update the Requests library files in your WordPress installation to use the namespaced versions. Replace all Requests_ class names with WpOrg\Requests.

Manually updating the Requests library involves finding all the files that contain the deprecated Requests_ class names and replacing them with the namespaced versions. However, this is not a permanent solution, as changes in the files will be lost when modules are updated.

Ideally, you should identify the module causing the error by disabling modules one by one until the warning disappears. Once you find the problematic module, you can reach out to the developers for assistance or temporarily disable the module until a fix is available.

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