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Special Char in SSID with wpa_supplicant causing issue (Debian hdmi stick)

Addressing Special Characters in SSID with wpa_supplicant

In some instances, special characters within an SSID can lead to issues when utilizing wpa_supplicant. If you're encountering problems connecting to a Wi-Fi network with a special character-infused SSID, consider these effective strategies:

Identifying the Correct SSID Name

1. Scan for the BSS:
   iw dev wlan0 scan
   wpa_cli -i wlan0 scan_results
2. Retrieve SSID using BSS:
   wpa_cli bss 11:1a:aa:ff:ff:ff | grep ssid
Replace "11:1a:aa:ff:ff:ff" with the BSS obtained from the previous step. 3. Utilize the Correct SSID Name in wpa_supplicant.conf: Ensure you use the SSID name retrieved in the previous step within your wpa_supplicant.conf configuration file.

Employing Hex Strings for Special Characters


This approach involves converting special characters into their hexadecimal representations. The provided source link offers further guidance on this method.

Utilizing wpa_cli for Setting SSID with Special Characters

wpa_cli set_network 1 ssid '"12345678'üČ\"🦄\\"'

This command demonstrates setting an SSID containing special characters using wpa_cli. However, if you encounter difficulties, consider the following:

  • Ensure the SSID is enclosed within double quotation marks (").
  • For special characters, employ their hexadecimal representations.

Consult the provided link for comprehensive examples.

Troubleshooting Hexadecimal Representation Issues

If you're experiencing problems entering special characters or symbols, try the following:

  • Utilize the hexadecimal representation of the characters.
  • Ensure proper syntax, including quotation marks and backslashes.

These guidelines should assist you in resolving issues related to special characters in SSIDs when utilizing wpa_supplicant. For further assistance, don't hesitate to seek support from the community.

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