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Springboot issues with Content-Type xml & json Request & Response payloads

Encountering issues with Content-Type XML and JSON Request & Response payloads in Spring Boot? Let's dive into a comprehensive solution.

Understanding the Problem:

When working with Spring Boot, you might encounter challenges in handling XML and JSON payloads in your requests and responses. This can manifest in various ways, such as:

  • Difficulty in deserializing XML or JSON payloads into Java objects
  • Problems in serializing Java objects into XML or JSON payloads
  • Inconsistent behavior when handling different content types

The Root Cause:

The underlying cause of these issues often lies in the lack of proper configuration for Jackson, the default JSON processor in Spring Boot. By default, Jackson doesn't natively support JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding) annotations for mapping XML and JSON data to Java objects.

The Solution:

To resolve these issues, we need to enable Jackson to utilize JAXB annotations for metadata. This can be achieved by incorporating the jackson-module-jaxb-annotations dependency and exposing the JaxbAnnotationModule as a Spring Bean.

1. Add the Dependency:


This dependency allows Jackson to leverage JAXB annotations for metadata, enabling seamless mapping between XML/JSON and Java objects.

2. Expose the JaxbAnnotationModule as a Spring Bean:

public JaxbAnnotationModule jaxbAnnotationModule() {
  return new JaxbAnnotationModule();

By defining this @Bean method, we expose the JaxbAnnotationModule, which will be picked up by Spring Boot and incorporated into Jackson.

Additional Considerations:

  • Version Management: Spring Boot typically manages the version of jackson-module-jaxb-annotations through the included jackson-bom. If you encounter version conflicts, you can use ${jackson.version} as the <version> in your dependency declaration.
  • Custom Configuration: In certain scenarios, you might need to customize Jackson's behavior further. Refer to the JAXB Module documentation for advanced configuration options.


By implementing these steps, you can resolve issues related to Content-Type XML and JSON Request & Response payloads in Spring Boot. This will ensure seamless handling of XML and JSON data in your application.

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