One option uses a recursive query:
with recursive
data as (select concat(names, ', ') names from mytable),
cte as (
substring(names, 1,substring_index(names, ',', names) - 1) word,
substring(names,substring_index(names, ',', names) + 2) names
from data
union all
substring(names, 1,substring_index(names, ',', names) - 1) word,
substring(names,substring_index(names, ',', names) + 2) names
from cte
where substring_index(names, ',', names) > 0
select word from cte
| word | | :------ | | John | | Joseph | | Eleanor | | Mary | | Sophia | | Dani |
Another answer
you can use a recursive CTE:
with recursive cte as (
select ' ' as name, concat(names, ',') as names, 1 as lev
from t
union all
select substring_index(names, ',', 1),
substring(names, instr(names, ',') + 2), lev + 1
from cte
where instr(names, ',') > 0
select name
from cte
where lev > 1;
Here is a dbfiddle.
Another answer
create or replace procedure splitstring(
value TEXT,
delimiter TEXT(12)
with recursive
data as (select CONCAT(value,delimiter) as entries),
cte as (
substring(entries, 1,substring_index(entries, delimeter, 1) - LENGTH(delimiter)) entry,
substring(entries,substring_index(entries, delimeter, 1) + LENGTH(delimiter)) entries
from data
union all
substring(entries, 1,substring_index(entries, delimeter, 1) - LENGTH(delimiter)) entry,
substring(entries,substring_index(entries, delimeter, 1) + LENGTH(delimiter)) entries
from cte
where substring_index(entries, delimeter, 1) > 0
select entry from cte where length(entry) > 0;
call splitrec('Alex,Stitch,Cain,Dean', ',')
- Gives a readable and usable table.
- Handles empty strings, string without delimeter present, and nulls.
- Can take in any
(of 12 chars length max, which can be tweaked if needed). - Does not respect spaces in the string, which can be ammended by
select REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(very_messy_string_value, ' ', ''), '\t', ''), '\n', '');
Another answer
using SUBSTRING_INDEX function:
TRIM(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(names,',',x.x),',',-1)) as name
FROM mytable
CROSS JOIN (SELECT 1 as x union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4) x
WHERE x.x <= LENGTH(names)-LENGTH(REPLACE(names,',',''))+1