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Tuple indexing in macro

No, tuple indexing is not possible within a declarative macro. The expression $idx + 1 will produce distinct tokens, like 0, +, and 1, and there is no way to evaluate that to a single literal token.

Procedural macros, however, can easily handle this task. You can use the typle crate to generate code that works with tuples of any length:

#[typle(Tuple for 0..=12)]
impl Packer for Iproto
    T: Tuple,
    typle_bound!(i in .. => T<{i}>): Pack<T<{i}>>,
    fn pack(self, data: T) -> Vec<u8> {
        let mut out = Vec::new();
        for typle_index!(i) in 0..T::LEN {
            out.append(&mut T::<{i}>::pack(data[[i]]));

This generates code equivalent to the following for 0..12 components:

impl Packer<(T0, T1)> for Iproto
    T0: Pack,
    T1: Pack,
    fn pack(self, data: (T0, T1)) -> Vec<u8> {
        let mut out = Vec::new();
        out.append(&mut <T0>::pack(data.0));
        out.append(&mut <T1>::pack(data.1));

Another approach with declarative macros involves using destructuring, which allows you to access tuple elements by their names instead of indices:

macro_rules! gen_packer {
    ($($T:ident),+) => {
        impl<$($T,)+> Packer<($($T,)+)> for Iproto
        where $(Iproto: Packer<$T>,)+
            fn pack(&mut self, data: ($($T,)+)) -> Vec<u8> {
                let ( $($T,)+ ) = data;
                let mut out = vec![];
                    out.append(&mut self.pack($T));

pub struct Iproto { }
pub trait Packer<T> {
    fn pack(&mut self, arg: T) -> Vec<u8>;

gen_packer!(A, B);
// ...

Finally, you can use a recursive macro to generate the code for tuples of any length:

macro_rules! gen_packer {
    () => {
        impl Packer<()> for Iproto {
            fn pack(&mut self, _data: ()) -> Vec<u8> {

    ($first:ident $(, $rest:ident)*) => {
        impl<$first $(, $rest)*> Packer<($first, $($rest,)*)> for Iproto
            Iproto: Packer<$first>,
            $(Iproto: Packer<$rest>,)*
            fn pack(&mut self, data: ($first, $($rest,)*)) -> Vec<u8> {
                let ( $first, $($rest,)* ) = data;
                let mut out = vec![];
                out.append(&mut self.pack($first));
                    out.append(&mut self.pack($rest));


pub struct Iproto { }
pub trait Packer<T> {
    fn pack(&mut self, arg: T) -> Vec<u8>;

gen_packer!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K);

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