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ValueError: Multi-dimensional indexing (e.g. `obj[:, None]`) is no longer supported. Convert to a numpy array before indexing instead


ValueError: Multi-dimensional indexing (e.g. `obj[:, None]`) is no longer supported. Convert to a numpy array before indexing instead.

Potential Causes and Solutions:

  • Incompatibility between Matplotlib, Pandas, and Seaborn:
    • Ensure that you have compatible versions of these libraries. Refer to the GitHub issue for more details:
    • Consider upgrading or downgrading the packages based on compatibility with other libraries.
  • Using Pandas DataFrames Directly in Matplotlib:
    • Pandas DataFrames have undergone changes in their indexing behavior, resulting in the error. To resolve this:
    • Convert the DataFrame to a NumPy array using df.to_numpy().
    • Use the NumPy array in the Matplotlib plotting function.
    • plt.plot(df['var_name'].to_numpy(), df['other_var_name'].to_numpy())
  • Using .values Attribute:
    • While df['var_name'].values can be used as a workaround, it is not recommended.
    • Use df['var_name'].to_numpy() instead, as it is the preferred method for converting DataFrames to NumPy arrays.
  • Incompatibility with Different NumPy Versions:
    • Ensure that your NumPy version is compatible with the other libraries you are using.
    • Consider upgrading or downgrading NumPy based on compatibility requirements.
  • Multi-dimensional Indexing:
    • Avoid using multi-dimensional indexing (e.g., obj[:, None]) on Pandas objects when plotting with Matplotlib.
    • Convert the objects to NumPy arrays before performing such indexing operations.
  • Modifying
    • (Not Recommended) As a workaround, you can modify the file to allow multi-dimensional indexing, but this is not a recommended solution and may cause unexpected issues.
    • Follow the steps mentioned in the provided solution to modify, but proceed with caution.

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