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What does undefined : fmt.Println(build) means in GOlang? while using "fmt.Println(len("hello world")"

Undefined: fmt.Println(build) in GOlang

When you encounter the error "undefined: fmt.Println(build)", it usually indicates that you have a typo or an incorrect function call in your Go code. Specifically, it seems that you have used fmt.PrintLn instead of fmt.Println.

The correct syntax for fmt.Println is:

Where args is a list of values to be printed, separated by spaces.

The error "undefined: fmt.Println(build)" occurs because there is no function named fmt.PrintLn in the Go standard library.

To fix this error, you need to change fmt.PrintLn to fmt.Println. Additionally, make sure that the letter "L" in fmt.Println is lowercase. Here's the corrected code:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

When you run this code, it will print "hello_world" to the console without any errors.

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