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Why does C/C++ not have a atomic flag test_and_clear?

Why doesn't C/C++ provide a test_and_clear() atomic flag?

The atomic_flag type in C and C++ offers a pair of functions, test_and_set() and clear(). It lacks the test_and_clear() function, raising questions about the reasons behind this omission.

To understand this, we need to delve into the concept of atomic operations and the underlying hardware support.

Atomic Operations

Atomic operations are indivisible instructions that guarantee that either the entire operation completes or none of it does. This is crucial for concurrent programming, where multiple threads may attempt to access and modify shared memory locations simultaneously.

Hardware architectures provide various mechanisms to support atomic operations. Some processors have dedicated instructions for performing atomic operations, while others may emulate atomicity through locking mechanisms.

The Role of atomic_flag

The atomic_flag type is specifically designed to provide a minimal set of lock-free atomic operations that can be implemented across a wide range of hardware architectures.

It is guaranteed to be lock-free, meaning that it does not require acquiring a lock to perform its operations. This makes it suitable for use in highly concurrent scenarios where lock contention can lead to performance degradation.

Why No test_and_clear() Function?

The absence of a test_and_clear() function in atomic_flag is primarily due to hardware limitations.

Some architectures may only support a limited set of atomic instructions. For example, the Motorola 68000 processor, which was widely used in older Macintosh computers, only provides a Test and Set (TAS) instruction. This instruction atomically sets a memory location to a specific value and returns the previous value.

Since TAS is the only atomic instruction available on such architectures, implementing test_and_clear() would require additional instructions and would not be lock-free.

Implications for Programmers

The lack of test_and_clear() in atomic_flag means that programmers working with architectures that only support TAS must use alternative methods to achieve similar functionality.

One common approach is to use a combination of test_and_set() and clear(), as shown below:

void test_and_clear(std::atomic_flag& flag) {
  while (flag.test_and_set()) {
    // Wait until the flag is clear

This code repeatedly checks the flag using test_and_set() until it successfully sets the flag, indicating that no other thread is accessing it. Once the flag is set, the code clears it using clear().


The absence of a test_and_clear() function in atomic_flag is a result of hardware limitations on certain architectures. Programmers working with such architectures must use alternative methods to achieve similar functionality.

While this may seem like a minor inconvenience, it highlights the importance of understanding the underlying hardware characteristics when working with concurrent programming.

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